Extracurriculum Programs

Included in our regular fee structure we have regular incursions throughout the year for all the children in the Centre.

For our 3 to 5 year olds we have a Japanese language and cultural programme and dancing with Miss Stacy.  And specificaly for our Kindergarten room we have Yoga, martial arts, cooking with Chef Richard and Bush Kindy.


Kinder Cottage incorporates a Japanese program into our centre curriculum delivered by our very own Miss Yoko.

Each lesson includes singing, music, story-telling, games and art to meet the needs of all learning styles and ensure lessons are varied and interesting.

The flow on effect from learning a language impacts on virtually every area of life.
• Improved academic performance across the board,
• Improved communication skills including in the mother tongue,
• Increased confidence and social skills,
• Broader world view and cultural understanding.

Miss Yoko delivers the Japanese Program on Friday to the Wombat and Kangaroo Children. 

Our Educators and Miss Yoko continue the Japanese program through the rest of the week by repeating activities from the Friday lesson plan.

Japanese program extra curricular activities - Kinder Cottage GC
Dance Class kids learning new skills and co-ordination - Kinder Cottage Gold Coast

Dance Classes

Dancing is a fantastic sport that improves co-ordination, gross motor skills and most importantly, confidence.

It’s a fantastic memory builder, introduces new skills, multitasking and is 100% FUN! Classes are taught by qualified Instructors from Hyfidelity Dance and are designed to accommodate all skill levels.

Classes are incorporated into the programs of the Wombat and Kangaroo rooms on Mondays and Thursdays at no extra cost.

Incursions (excursions within the Centre)

We have a number of special shows and visitors that come to our Centre each year. These incursions are an extension to the program we run to enhance the learning for the children.

Please check our calendar of events or the monthly newsletter to see our planned shows and visits.

There is no extra charge for these shows or special visits, unless otherwise stated and are available to all rooms and age groups.

Cooking - nutrition children learning how to - Kinder Cottage GC
Bush kindy learning new skills - Kinder cottage Gold Coast Qld

Kindergarten Program Specific Extra Curriculum

Throughout the Kindergarten year we have yoga regularly on a Thursday and Friday. 

Calm for Kids’ offers relaxation classes, designed by a qualified Yoga Instructor, teaching children important life skills to help them deal with the fast paced world we live in.

Classes are beneficial to the Mind, Body and Spirit. Simple relaxation techniques empower children to develop caring attitudes towards each other and to feel the freedom of experiencing quietness and the simplicity of ‘being’ in their day to day lives.

On Tuesdays during term times the Kindergarten children participate in a martial arts class which is taught by the wonderful staff from Combined Martial Arts Academy.

During Term one and term two, we have Chef Richard from Kids Cooking Academy do three cooking lesson over three weeks.

We also incorporate a bush kindy program on a Tuesday during term two and term three.